SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT CINEMA (CLICK HERE) Week 12 is here! A brand new selection of 7 Spanish Short Films to help during the…
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Last Short Film Show of 2014
Let us introduce you to our last short film night of the season at Summerhall. 2014 has been an important year for the Cinemaattic family. This Friday the 12th we…
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#MutantChristmas: a very special screening + party
With the festive season fast approaching, we didn’t want to let 2014 go without organizing our last special event for the year. Please join us for the special screening…
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CinemaAttic November Creatures -Leith Sessions-
Cinemaattic Creatures! We bring our November show down to Leith! We keep taking cinema out of cinemas. We take our Short-film nights back to the Walk. Because some of you couldn’t…
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Cinemaattic November!
This Friday the 14th we will be back at Summerhall with a powerful selection of Latin-American and Spanish short films, love stories, fiction, political&social concerns and also funny bright…
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CinemaAttic Leith Sessions
We keep taking cinema out of cinemas. We take our Short-film nights back to the Walk. Because some of you couldn’t make it last time at Summerhall and we received…
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CinemaAttic October Showcase
You can call this October the Spanish Cultural Explosion Month. Wherever you look in the city you will find great Spanish films in theatres and Top bands coming to…
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The Best of August Fest
It’s time to award the films you chose best of CinemaAttic Festival August, cinemaatticos, and a new (last) chance to watch them!
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Cinemaattic presents RAPTURE (ARREBATO) – Scalarama 2014
We are delighted to present in Edinburgh, as part of the programme of SCALARAMA 2014 (a Celebration of Cinema across the UK every September) Iván Zulueta’s 1980 cult feature…
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AUGUST FESTIVAL: Spanish Animation tribute to NORMAN MCLAREN
Here we will introduce you our THIRD of the THREE themes CinemaAttic stores for you this August SPANISH ANIMATION TRIBUTE TO NORMAN MCLAREN 8th and 22th August will see our participation…
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Here the SECOND and very special of our THREE themes for our August festival programme. KIMUAK 2013 COLLECTION 4th,11th,18th, and 25th August at Woodland Creatures Special why? 1.Best of Basque short-filmmaking! 2.A different venue,…
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AUGUST FESTIVAL: Madrid en Corto-ECAM- 10th Anniversary
Hey cinemaatticos, We want to introduce you the FIRST of our THREE themes for our August festival programme. MADRID EN CORTO -ECAM- 10TH ANNIVERSARY 1st, 7th and 21st August at Summerhall There will…
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Fantastic Short Film Show
Hello cinemaatticos, Keeping with our conquering the territory of film nights in Scotland, here it is yet another show of pioneer Spanish shorts. We know well how much you all…
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Hot June Short-Film Showcase
Hola hola cinemaatticos, What really is the inner essence of film watching and audience attending we always wonder. How little we can take control over climatic circumstances or your will…
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May Creatures Session at Woodland
Hey, hey, May is the month of love; May is the month of the sun; and May is the month for recalling the beautiful sensations from last summer cause summer…
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