• Gracias Cinemaattic@s

    This year, Cinemaattic worked closer with artists and as a result we offered you personalised video messages from some of our heroes saying Hi Edinburgh! Hola Glasgow! or Kaixo Edinburgh! Check this special short clip that we put together with all their greetings to you cinematic@ Thank you cinemaattic@s! Season

  • #KimuakEdinburgh: Best Sprouts from Basque Country

      Every spring, Basque leader distribution platform KIMUAK selects the best from Basque short film scene to create an annual DVD with the most talented, original and qualified proposals produced within Basque Country. With the support of the Basque Government’s Department of Culture and the Basque Film Archive, the selection

  • CinemaAttic 13th May: Drag the past out

    Could you imagine that the ghosts of your past knock on your door every time you try to move on and look forward? This is exactly what is going to happen to the protagonists of the stories we have gathered. For our programme in May, CinemaAttic has captured a truly intense

  • buy your tickets here

    We Are Family: CinemaAttic Short Film Show

    Family, is there anything more important in this world? Yes amigos, once again, we aim to talk about love. A very particular type of love: Family We do not choose the family into which we are born. Yet, they have a big influence in our lives! The family circle is a

  • CinemaAttic April: You got to hold on

    For April at CCA Cinemaattic has prepared a cocktail of films about relationships with work colleagues, the stories of 10 imprisoned women convicted of different crimes, and our special guest country for this month -PERU- bringing the quechuan flavour to what we expect will be a warm welcoming back. We offer you

  • CinemaAttic: The Great Escape (I just want to get away)

    Spanish & Latin- American Short-film nights. A powerful curated selection of short films all with English subtitles with networking breaks for the enjoyment of both the Ibero-American community and the cinema lovers alike. Every Cinemaattic Night has to be different from the previous one. To this mantra, if last month

  • B the Movie

      Join us on the 8th April at Old St Paul’s Hall from 7pm. For a very special event organised by CinemaAttic that you can’t miss. We will be showing B the movie by David Ilundain With Pedro casablanc and Manolo Solo The movie will be shown with subtitles in English

  • CinemaAttic February: Drag the past out

    Drag the past out. The Shorts that wanted to be in January, but never made it. We recapture a truly intense program digging in how couples cope with unsettled past experiences Spanish & Latin- American Short-film nights. A powerful curated selection of short films all with English subtitles with networking

  • It’s a Family Affair. Weegie CinemaAttic: Spanish & Latin American Shorts

    A powerful curated selection of short films, all with English subtitles, as well as networking breaks for the enjoyment of both the Ibero-American community and cinema lovers alike. CinemaAttic focus this month on the consequences of overlooking. In this second part of the “consequences of overlooking” we focus on Family

  • Drag the past out: CinemaAttic January

    Spanish & Latin- American Short-film nights. A powerful curated selection of short films all with English subtitles with networking breaks for the enjoyment of both the Ibero-American community and the cinema lovers alike. Every time you want to move on and look forward your little fella -indeed the past- keeps

  • This is the first Weegie CinemaAttic of the year: Spanish & Latin American short-film show in Glasgow

    A powerful curated selection of short films, all with English subtitles, as well as networking breaks for the enjoyment of both the Ibero-American community and cinema lovers alike. CinemaAttic’s focus this month is on the consequences of overlooking. Fear in its broadest sense tends to allow people in more or

  • Oh Relationships! : Cinemaattic December

    Hola hola cinemaatticos Before 2015 ends we wanted to dive in relationships, a clearly under-referended topic on films. Yes amigos we will focus our interest in couples and the different ways we seek to reach love and maintain (survive) it. We have prepared a pretty intense and eerie journey into

  • Weegie CinemaAttic: Spanish & Latin American Shorts

    A powerful curated selection of short films for the enjoyment of both the Ibero-American community and cinema lovers alike, all with English subtitles and with networking breaks. We go back in search of fictional stories. We’re preparing a deconstruction of Spanish clichés for next Thursday atCCA Glasgow. Our programme for

  • CinemaAttic: Spanish & Latin American Short Film Night

    We’re still here dear cinemaatticos, For all those who where missing your monthly dosis of Spanish & Latin American short films the waiting is over as we are back to our pretty routine. Hibernating was such a dull period and we were dying to get back to homey Red Lecture

  • Weegie CinemaAttic: Fantastic Short Film Night

    Hey cinemaatticos, Taking cinemas outside of cinemas, Cinemaattic continues to showcase cult, rare and classic Spanish films and powerful Latin-American short film sessions. With FREAK Independent Film Agency still being our main source for programming, we are proud of this last selection of works and we hope you can find