Los Pestiños de Mama

Los Pestiños de Mama

Rosa tries to recall her mother by cooking the pestiños recipe she always prepared, with no success. She has invited her sisters, Beatriz and Isabel, to help her, even though they don’t speak to each other. Neither one knows that the other one is going to be there, and they can’t imagine how much Rosa wants to eat those pestiños again.
Rosa intenta recordar a su madre preparando la receta de pestiños que ella siempre hacía, sin éxito. Ha invitado a sus hermanas, Beatriz e Isabel, para que la ayuden, aunque no se hablan entre ellas. Ninguna de las dos sabe que la otra va a estar, y tampoco se imaginan cuántas ganas tiene Rosa de volver a probar aquellos pestiños.

Los Pestiños de Mama

Rosa tries to recall her mother by cooking the pestiños recipe she always prepared, with no success. She has invited her sisters, Beatriz and Isabel, to help her, even though they don’t speak to each other. Neither one knows that the other one is going to be there, and they can’t imagine how much Rosa wants to eat those pestiños again.