Cerro Rico in Potosí (Bolivia) is a lawless territory, characterised by brutal violence. The miners risk their lives every day, digging for silver and zinc in crumbling galleries. The ones that survive think they’re entitled to anything and everything. And that’s when they go on the hunt… for women. Minerita is the story of three women—Lucía (40), Ivone (16) and Abigail (17)—who work as night watchwomen or inside the mine, struggling to survive in an inhuman inferno. Their only weapon is their courage… and dynamite.
El Cerro Rico de Potosí (Bolivia) es un territorio sin ley, de violencia brutal. Aquí los mineros se juegan la vida en galerías destartaladas para extraer plata y cinc. Los que salen con vida, se creen con derecho a todo. Entonces, comienza la caza de mujeres. Minerita es la historia de tres mujeres, Lucía (40), Ivone (16) y Abigail (17) que trabajan como serenas o dentro de la mina y luchan por sobrevivir en un infierno no apto para la vida. Su única arma, coraje… y dinamita.
Minerita is the story of three women—Lucía (40), Ivone (16) and Abigail (17)—who work as night watchwomen or inside the mine