Volcano Cinema: Of Eruptions and Other Stories – 2024

Volcano Cinema: Of Eruptions and Other Stories is a season showcasing the diverse ways volcanoes have been documented and reimagined through film. Displacing the central role of the disaster movie, the programme approaches volcanoes and their metaphoric power from different landscapes, cultural mythologies, and with potency and provocation.

Volcanoes have persistently ignited the imagination and have been construed filmically since cinema’s beginnings. In 1902, Georges Méliès recreated an eruption in the actuality film Éruption volcanique à la Martinique, a 1-minute simulation of Mount Pelée built from cardboard and flashing lights. A recent cycle of theatrical releases, including Into the Inferno (Werner Herzog, 2016) and Fire of Love (Sara Dosa, 2022), exploring volcanoes, their enthusiasts, and audiovisual traces invites us to contemplate them anew.

This season of films initiates a reflection on the relationship between humans and volcanoes, their agency, and resistant ways of envisaging their power and eruptive activity. The programme features highly metaphoric and figurative explorations to explicit engagements with the scientific, political, and territorial discourses of living within a volcano’s reach.

This series of events takes place in Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh, between the 25th of November and 7th of December 2024. The season is a collaboration between CinemaAttic and the “Ixchel” project, sponsored by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and hosted at University of Edinburgh.


25 November 2024, 18.15, Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA), Dundee.
Screening of Pobo ‘tzu’/White Night, with an introduction by Charlotte Gleghorn and Amelia Bain (Ixchel Research Team).

3 December 2024, 14.00, Morningside Library, Edinburgh.
Short film programme

4 December 2024, 17.45, Craigmillar Library, Edinburgh.
Short film programme

5 December 2024, 18.30 door open, 19.00 screening, Kelvin Hall, Glasgow.
Screening of short film programme with panel discussion with Charlotte Gleghorn and Amelia Bain and  Teresa Armijos Burneo (Ixchel Research Team)

6 December 2024, 19.00, Institut Français, Edinburgh.
Screening of Pobo ‘tzu’/White Night, Panel Discussion with Julie Cupples, Amelia Bain and Charlotte Gleghorn (Ixchel Research Team).

7 December 2024, 19.30 doors, 20.00 screening, St. Peters Church, Edinburgh.
Screening of short film programme / Food & Conversation / w/Ixchel Research Team


Each screening will feature a trailer for the upcoming feature film Cordillera, co-produced by the Ixchel project, in collaboration with the Guatemalan production company La Casa de Producción, and director Jayro Bustamante.


The Films of Eduardo Williams
FRAMES OF COLOMBIA: Political Memory and Archive Film

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