Hola hola cinemaatticos
Before 2015 ends we wanted to dive in relationships, a clearly under-referended topic on films.
Yes amigos we will focus our interest in couples and the different ways we seek to reach love and maintain (survive) it. We have prepared a pretty intense and eerie journey into the depths of human sentimental and personal interaction. We have called it coupling and there you will find both the conceivable but also the sheer extravaganza of human partnering. A representative array of how belonging, solitude and our inner fears interact at different stages of life.
Spanish & Latin- American short-film nights. A powerful curated selection of short films all with English subtitles. The Cinemaattic nights are the perfect way to see cinema in a different way, pioneer independent short films accompanied with refreshments, with their famous chit-chat discussion breaks.
After the films we will be heading to the basement at Teviot Row House to groove with the guys of Triangulo de Amor Bizarro-one of the most influential Spanish indie bands- happily visiting this freezing town thanks to Vamos Scotland.
Next CinemaAttic will take place next Friday -Pencil down folks- 11th December
Summerhall, Red Lecture Theatre
For a modest and handy fiver